We are delighted that you are interested in joining our school. You can find out about our school via the prospectus below.
Please do contact us with any questions and we will be happy to speak with you. Email office@laurelsprimary.co.uk or call 01903 830901.
You can also follow us on Facebook for all our latest news and to find out about our school. We have 30 spaces each year in our Reception class and sometimes have spaces available in other year groups too.
Primary School Admissions are administered by our Local Authority, West Sussex and we adhere to their processes and policies for administering places fairly. In the event of there being more applications than places available, then West Sussex apply our oversubscription criteria (outlined in our admissions policy).
In year admissions
If you are interested in an in-year ( after Reception admissions) primary school place for your child, please contact our school office on 01903 830901.
View our online prospectus
A very warm welcome to The Laurels Primary School. Our school has an excellent reputation locally for being a welcoming, supportive and caring school which is constantly working hard to achieve high standards in all areas of school life.