Special Educational Needs

What we do to support children with Special Educational Needs:

We respect each child as an individual, nurturing them to achieve high standards whilst becoming independent and successful learners. The Laurels is fully inclusive, offering accessibility to all learners from Early Years to Year 6. Our classes are supported by a teacher and 2 teaching assistants in Early Years, and a teacher and teaching assistant in KS1 & 2.
We provide an exciting, stimulating, creative curriculum so that our children make good progress and have opportunities to learn and play in a variety of contexts.

We recognise the importance of early intervention to identify Special Educational Needs (SEN) and we monitor all pupils closely using both data and classroom observations. We have strong and supportive links with outside professionals including Speech Therapists and Educational Psychologists.

Teachers, in discussion with parents and other staff who work with the children, will discuss potential SEN with the SEND Coordinator – Miss Helen Pinney. Parents and children are involved in all decision making, with the child’s needs at the heart of all planning.

We aim to provide quality provision to support and include children within the classroom. Where concerns have been raised, and needs subsequently identified, a programme of targeted intervention and classroom strategies are put in place to support the child.  This support may be provided in a small group or on a one-to-one basis, and it may involve the use of external agencies.

Once a child has been placed on the SEN register, an Individual Learning Plan will be drawn up, along with a one page profile and intervention timetable to show strategies and resources that will enable them to access the curriculum.

Children will not always need support for their time at The Laurels and this is monitored and adjusted on a regular basis.

For more information contact Helen Pinney, the school’s SENCO via the school office office@laurelsprimary.co.uk or 01903 830901.

The following documents provide families with information about how we meet the needs of all children.