School Day
School Day
The school days starts at 8.40am and finishes at 3.10pm
The playground gates open at 8.30am with the cloakroom doors open at 8.35am with children going in to their classes. If you would like to pass messages to the class teacher, we encourage you to email and marked FAO:
If you are late (i.e all the classroom doors are shut and or the school gate(s) are locked, you must bring your child into school via the main entrance and sign them in at the school office.
Home Time
Parents can enter the school grounds at the end of the school day and wait outside the classroom. Staff will not release children until we are sure that you have been seen and acknowledged by us and your child. We are only able to release your child to adults or siblings aged 16 or over that are authorised to collect. Please inform the school as soon as possible if there is a change on collection arrangements for your child.
Reporting Absence
It is important that children attend school regularly if they are to benefit from the learning opportunities provided, many of which cannot be repeated and as such we have high attendance expectations and work closely with the Education Welfare Service.
Your child may occasionally be ill and need to stay at home. Please inform the school office before 8.30am on a daily basis. You can report a child’s absence via Arbor or calling 01903 830901. We will carry out safeguarding absence calls for any child who is not in school without a reason being given, so we can check you are safe.
If your child is off school with vomiting or diarrhoea we ask that they do not return to school for a 48-hour period following their last episode. This follows guidance from the Health Protection Agency and helps to stop bugs spreading in school.
Logging an absence via Arbor/ Arbor App
When you log in, please press the three lines at the bottom; this will take you to a quick actions page. From there, please click attendance.
You will then be taken to your child’s attendance page, where you will find a green log absence button. Once you have clicked this, you can note the reason for absence. This will then edit their mark for the day; from this, we will know where children are, and there will be no need for us to call and chase.
If you are unsure please follow the link for further instructions or contact the school office.
Going to school regularly is important to your child’s future. For example, children who miss school frequently can fall behind with their learning and make less progress than they are capable of. Research suggests that children who attend school regularly could also be at less risk of getting involved in antisocial behaviour or crime.
School attendance and absence: the law
By law, all children of compulsory school age (five to 16) must receive a suitable full-time education. For most parents, this means registering their child at a school – though some choose to make other arrangements to provide a suitable, full-time education. Once your child is registered at a school, you are legally responsible for making sure they attend regularly. If your child fails to do so, you risk getting a penalty notice or being prosecuted.
Preventing your child from missing school: what you can do
You can help your child by:
- making sure they understand the importance of good attendance and punctuality
- taking an interest in their education – ask about school work and encourage them to get involved in school activities
- discussing any problems they may have at school – inform their teacher or headteacher about anything serious
- not letting them take time off school for minor ailments – particularly those which would not prevent you from going to work
Arranging appointments and outings after school hours, at weekends or during school holidays will help to prevent disruption to your child’s education and to the school. Under normal circumstances, you should not expect the school to agree to your child going on holiday during term time.
Support on school attendance
Support from the school
School is the first place to go to discuss any attendance problems. A member of the school’s leadership team will meet you to discuss any problems or issues you may have and where necessary will agree a plan with you to improve your child’s attendance.
Authorised/Unauthorised absence
Authorised absences from school
Any time you are planning to take your child out of school during term time, you need to ask the school headteacher to give permission for you to do so. Absence will only be authorised in exceptional circumstances. These are some examples:
- Family bereavement or funeral
- Doctor, hospital or dental appointments
- Wedding of a close/direct family member
The Laurels Policy is in line with government guidelines to not authorise holidays during term time. If you do not ask the headteacher’s permission, or they do not give it and you take your child out of school anyway, this will be recorded as an unauthorised absence.
These are some examples:
- Family holidays
- Shopping trips
- Waiting in for a delivery
- Family birthdays
- Visits from relatives
- Family outings
- Not having the correct school uniform
Holidays during term time – what the law says
- You should not normally take your child on holiday in term time – it can be disruptive both to your child’s learning and to the school. All holiday absences during term time will be deemed unauthorised.
- Parents often assume that they are automatically allowed to take their child out of school (especially during the last weeks of term) for a pre-booked family holiday. This isn’t true.
Penalty notices for unauthorised absence
You could be issued with a penalty notice if your child is absent from school without permission or if they are absent from school without authorisation for a period of five days (ten school sessions) or longer in a ten week period.
For the first occasions a child is absent without authority the FPN is £160, and a parent is given the opportunity to pay within 21 days at a rate of £80.
For the second occasion the same child is absent without authority the FPN is £160.
For the third occasions the same child is absent without authority a FPN may not be issued and instead the case may be referred direct to a Magistrates Court or alternative interventions may be considered.
If the school refers a period of absence that is 15 consecutive school days or more; Pupil Entitlement: Investigation may consider a FPN is not appropriate.
In these instances, the matter may instead be brought directly before the Magistrates Courts.
If you have a reason to withdraw your child from school during term time complete the from below and either hand to the school office or email to
Paper copies are available from the school office