SATS 2024 – Maths: +11% above national | Writing: +4% above national | GPS: +12% above national | Reading: +2% above national


At The Laurels we know that all children can be successful in mathematics but that sometimes it can feel like an exclusive subject that only some people can do. We want to challenge this and ensure that there is a culture of high expectations for all, through the embedding of positive norms in every classroom. These norms, for example, tell children that anyone can achieve in maths, that mistakes are valuable, questions are important,  and among other things, maths is about learning and not performing. 

In order to achieve this we deliver lessons using White Rose planning, NCETM materials and by using a mastery approach to developing fluency. We attempt to draw on the latest research about maths teaching and learning to inform our teaching practice. We currently have four teachers and one senior leader working regularly with the Maths Hub to develop our approach to mastery.

Curriculum  sequencing

The curriculum gives a range of writing opportunities and genres across a year, teaching GPS content in context, working on a writing journey of continuous evaluation and improvement.


Maths Curriculum Documents