RE is statutory and sits alongside the National Curriculum.  It is inextricably linked with SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural) and British Values education.  It also contributes significantly to Literacy skills and many other areas of learning.

RE is compulsory for all children, except for children withdrawn at the request of their parents (The Education Act 2002, section 80).  

Christianity is taught in every year group, developing children’s learning in a progressive way.  Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and Sikhism are also included.

The enquiry approach of the curriculum aims to make RE exciting and engaging for the children.  They are encouraged to think critically and ask questions of a religion as each half term focusses on a ‘Big Question’.

Curriculum sequencing

The curriculum is enquiry-based, promoting a depth of understanding and appreciation for all religious faiths. Topics are sequenced so that the whole school covers the same topic area simultaneously, so that learning can be woven into daily life at school.